For hotels with a UniFi network that wish to offer premium WiFi access to their guests, we've developed a special integration module for our captive portal software.
This module provides integrations with a large and growing number of hotel Property Management System (PMS) providers.
If you’re interested in learning more about our Captive Portal software, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information. We’re here to help you boost your guest engagement and streamline your WiFi captive portal.
Our captive portal with PMS integration offers the following features:
all features of our captive portal software for UniFi networks
provide hotel guests access to Premium WiFi using last name and room number
combine hotel guest access with any of the other login options our captive portal offers, such as:
Facebook login
registration form with optional email or phone number validation
free, limited access
offer higher speeds and data transfer limits to your hotel guests
define grace periods for WiFi access before and after the booking start and end
support multiple sites on multiple UniFi controllers from a single installation
each captive portal site integrates with its own PMS instance
controls for GDPR compliance when necessary, including a self-service portal for guests
The solution currently supports the following PMS platform and more are to be expected:
Mews Systems
Captive portal with PMS integration, main splash page as viewed on an iPhone 6
Required acceptance of the Terms of Service and Privacy Notice
Hotel guest login form
Hotel guest login form, custom styling, desktop view
Initial form validation success
Hotel guest has exceeded the device allowance
PMS integration-specific test strings
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